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Bow of Brain –
……the only metaphor you need to know to upgrade to a disease-free high-performance being…
Why tune the bow of brain (B.O.B.)?
- Tune your body for the highest productivity and creativity.
- Tune your brain and thoughts for the highest productivity and creativity.
- Tune your “bow of brain” to fit your lifestyle to your evolution.
- Tune your BOB to prevent lifestyle-related diseases.
- Tune your BOB to win over addictions.
- Tune your BOB to rise above the obstacles of your life.
- Tune your BOB to enjoy the state of FLOW.
- Tune your BOB to enjoy the focused and mindful state.
- Tune your BOB to form required habits and automate them at will.
- Tune your BOB to overcome your creator’s block.
- Tune your BOB to use your stress to work for your favor without any health consequences.
- Tune your BOB to realize and unleash your infinite potential.
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