Prevent "Heart Attack in Young" - by reversing metabolic stress i.e. Cholesterol, Obesity, Prediabetes & Diabetes.
Let’s Prevent Heart Attack in 30s, 40s & 50s…
To learn more - participate in my FREE workshop.
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I am Dr. Biprajit Parbat. Preventive cardiology and diabetology expert. Here to build a community of high-performing & disease-free senior executives who will wage a war against heart attack by reversing lifestyle diseases obsolete in their 30s, 40s & 50s.
Learn to prevent HEART ATTACK by reversing cholesterol issues, fatty liver, obesity, type 2 diabetes & PCOS.
I have been working in preventive cardiology for over 16+ years of experience.
Thrive into your life to grow as a professional & a person that your family & your country need – own disease-free longevity for a fulfilling life.
MBBS – Calcutta University, India. Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology from Max Hospital, New Delhi.
Member of Indian Association of Clinical Cardiology Member of Indian Academy of Echocardiography.

Preventive Healthcare is the New Era in Medicine
With evolving technologies, every aspect of our lives is being revolutionized. Healthcare is no exception. Where traditional healthcare is based on a disease-and-cure system, modern-day healthcare focuses on preparedness and proactive and preventive care with far-reaching health benefits than conventional medicine.
My scientifically proven well-structured program with step-by-step process and support has an amazing success rate in heart attack prevention by slowing the aging process. You can measure the progress in your blood parameters.
To learn more - participate in my FREE workshop.
Health is an asset; guard it well! It is a blessing that cannot be returned to its original bloom once it gets compromised. Spending thousands of dollars does not work; adopting a healthy lifestyle only improves the severe condition. Many healthcare experts agree that it is best to take care of your health when it is uncompromised to ensure a higher quality of life and well-being.
My unique wellness program is designed to prevent and HEART ATTACK by reversing obesity, fatty liver, cholesterol issues & diabetes. All of these by using scientific tools, techniques & protocols.
Cholesterol & fatty liver issues can be reversed, PCOS can be prevented, Prediabetes can be reversed, Diabetes can be reversed, and heart attack & blockage can be reversed by slowing down the aging process & activating the longevity genes. Thus you can prevent a HEART ATTACK in your 30s, 40s & 50s & live life with your peak performance.
Millions of people are struggling with heart attacks in their 30s, 40s & 50s – that can be prevented by reversing lifestyle risk factors. But it takes experts to help you optimize your food, exercise, sleep, stress management, supplements, and medication.
I believe “Life Begins At 40” – and that means feeling young and vibrant for as long as 70 years is possible.
I have successfully helped people reverse their pre-diabetes, obesity, cholesterol & fatty liver issues, diabetes, heart attack, and blockages by slowing down their aging process. All these are now possible if you use scientific tools, techniques & protocols to activate your longevity genes.
To learn more - participate in my FREE workshop.
Prevent Heart Attack by Reversing Metabolic Stress i.e. cholesterol issues, obesity & diabetes in your 30s, 40s & 50s.
To learn more - participate in my FREE workshop.
My Mission,Vision & Goal
” To empower everyone on earth with the scientific knowledge & tools to live their life in a state of complete physical & mental wellbeing and find out their best motivated, productive & creative self & prevent HEART ATTACK.
Our civilization progressed more rapidly in the last 50 years than the last 250 million years of human history. The progress is changing our lives rapidly than ever. We have lit our nights with bright lights, information is pouring like rain in our lives, choice & processing of food are of infinite varieties, we move very less at work & so on.
We, humans, we’re so busy building new things that we did not notice how much our habitat & habits, both have changed significantly in the last few decades. We can easily do things that are unnatural to our human evolution. And these changes are not under our control. It is a reality. We need to change our habits to match our modern civilization naturally.
I am asking you to learn about your body’s needs in simple words. I believe with little effort you can arrange your modern-day life in a way that fits with your million years old evolution.
In this journey of knowledge & realization, I found out the four pillars of our good health “FOOD”, “EXERCISE”, “SLEEP” & “STRESS management”.
I never learned anything like this in my medical school, nor did I know the importance of these in overall “wellbeing”.
These are the pillars that hold the vessel of a “GOOD LIFE”. And no matter what goals we want to achieve in our life, we should have “the four pillars of GOOD LIFE GOALS” to begin with.
Core Ideas:
- Let’s build a health community with superior health consciousness.
- Become the health ambassador for yourself, for your family & your community.
- Healthier living from body & mind is the need of the hour to prevent diseases in the future.
- Let’s gift our children the consciousness of healthy living.
- We need a healthy body & healthy mind, more than any medicine, any vaccine, or any insurance plan.
- The bigger the health consciousness the lesser the probability of diseases.
Let’s fit our modern lifestyle with our million years old evolution for our health benefits. - Let’s make our community far healthier from body & mind to accelerate our productivity. Let’s prevent losses from diseases & disabilities. These are a great burden for our family, for our community & our nation.
- Let’s take the mission to spread the health consciousness based on scientific facts to everyone on Earth.
- Let’s bring scientific knowledge for the benefits of humanity to lead a healthier life by preventing diseases. Use scientific tools & techniques, to customize & incorporate those healthier habits into your modern life. You will be able to prevent the diseases & its complications way before its probability arise.
I believe scientific knowledge should be used for the benefits of humanity to lead a healthier life by preventing diseases. I deliver you step by step guidance along with tools & techniques, so that you can customize & incorporate those healthier habits into your life. You will be able to prevent the disease & its complications way before its probability arise.
I do also bring health experts on my platform talking about how to prevent the diseases & lead healthier life. I do not bring any specific treatment advice to you. You will need a physician if you are diseased to meet physically. I bring life-style related advice which a busy doctor cannot provide individually to each patient sitting inside his chamber.
All these information will be delivered to you in a most simplistic way.
Disease is a burden to a person, to a family, to the society & to the country. It destroys careers, families & wealth. I believe in application of modern science to promote healthier life style. Prevention of the diseases is lot easier & crucial than treating the diseases & its complications.