HEARTVEDA LOGO - Dr. Biprajit Parbat'

Prevent Heart Attack by Reversing Metabolic Stress i.e. cholesterol issues, obesity & diabetes in your 30s, 40s & 50s.

Limited spots... FREE workshop for a limited time!

Busy professionals in their 30s & 40s - struggling with metabolic stress (i.e. obesity, cholesterol & diabetes) - achieve reversal of these & prevent heart attack - by activating longevity genes - by using my “LONGEVITY BIO-HACKING FRAMEWORK” - so that they can live life with healthy heart while performing at their peak - without any calorie counting or fad dieting, without using medicines & without spending long hours in the gym .

1. Reverse Metabolic stress & body’s inflammation by activating longevity genes

2. Reverse cholesterol issues, fatty liver & pre-diabetes completely.

3. Reverse Type 2  Diabetes to a great extent & halt its progression – reduce your medical expenses by at least 50%.

5. Reverse PCOS illness to wellness & save on medical bills & future complications.

6. Prevent 90% of heart attack below the age of 60 years.

7. Turn on those Longevity Genes to get a lean & resilient body – by losing body fat% naturally.

7. Reset your biological age &  energy level in your mid-20s & mid-30s  – even if your chronological age is 40+ & 50+.

8. Save millions in medical bills & at the same time perform at your peak for your career, business & life goals.

Turn-On Your Longevity Genes

Why Life-Style Diseases Happen ?

Here is the FORMULA :-

(High insulin response + Wrong circadian code + Wrong Stress Management Protocols)

=Turned off longevity genes.

=Accelerated inflammation & aging.

=Lifestyle diseases & their expensive consequences.

Whether you will suffer from lifestyle diseases OR take the decision to move forward to live a youthful & long life –


Make the decision today before it’s too late.

See you in my Live & Free MASTERCLASS.

Total No. of Patient Served

& more....

Years Of Experience

& more.....

Cholesterol Issues Reversed

& more........

Fatty Liver & Pre-diabetes Reversed

& more.....

Type 2 Diabetes Reversed

& more ....

Heart Attack Patient Served

& more......

What My Patients Say.....

"I am free from Diabetes right now. Thanks to Dr. Parbat. It was an easy & pleasant journey.".


"Taking MEDICINE only never solved my problem completely until I got in touch with Dr. Parbat and cured my Fatty Liver issue. Thanks."


"I thought cholesterol issue & high body fat were a genetic one. Now I know it was the resukt of my habit. It was a great experience with Dr. Parbat."


"I have reversed my fatty liver & cholesterol issues and am now completely free from medications. Feeling more energetic than ever. Than you Dr. Parbat."


"Life after Heart Attack was difficult. But now I am free from all of my risk factors & on 50% fewer medications but doing better than ever. Thanks to Dr. Parbat's guidance at each step."


"I got my life back. My diabetes & cholesterol issues are under control with 70% lesser medicine. Guidance from Dr. Parbat was extremely valuable. Thanks."


About Me

Hi, I am, Dr. Biprajit Parbat – Consultant Heart Attck Prevention in Young  –

You can bio-hack your longevity genes using scientific tools &  protocols. Optimize your physical & mental health to make those lifestyle diseases obsolete. Peak performance is what you need to live a life of happiness & success.

My professional achievements – MBBS (Cal.), Diploma in Cardiology (Delhi), M.I.A.E., M.I.A.C.C. – an allopathic physician with 16+ years of experience in Preventive Diabetes & Cardiology.  
I  am also the author of two books written on prevention & healthy living –
***Doctor Integralist’s Prescription To Healthy Living and 
***Decoding Heart Attack & its Prevention.

I am on a mission to help 1 million busy professionals to  “prevent heart attacks” by reversing lifestyle risk factors such as cholesterol issues, fatty liver, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, PCOS, etc.  

These are happening at an accelerated rate as your longevity genes are getting turned off & you are having an accelerated aging process. 
You can turn those genes on & slow down your aging process – Biohacking your longevity genes through habits & lifestyle changes by using scientific tools & protocols is possible.
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Dr. Biprajit Parbat