Five Steps To Improve Your Immunity And Lead a Healthy Life

Immunity is one of the most important things that helps in fighting infections. Therefore, having a strong immunity can help you against bacteria and germs that cause diseases. Traditionally, health practitioners have focused on having a balanced and healthy lifestyle to build strong immunity. 

Traditional lifestyles such as sleeping early and waking up early, exercising & stretching, healthy diet, etc. were all aimed at improving our overall immune system. However, with busy schedules and lifestyles, we are losing touch with our roots, which has led to the weakening of immunity in the human body. 

So, what is the solution? The good news is that some easy steps can help us get back on track with immunity. 

The immune system’s response to pathogens is two types – innate (non-specific) and adaptive (specific) immune system. These two categories describe the mechanism in which the body uses to fight infection.

Here is how the immunity works:- 

A good number of these immune cells line the entire digestive system. Because we expose ourselves to many disease-causing agents present in food, the body also ensures that none of these harmful substances get to invade our cells. Immune cells monitor the digestive system’s content, whereas immunoglobulin A (IgA) is produced by antibody-producing cells. These secretions bathe the intestine walls, preventing the attachment of bacteria and viruses to the walls of the cells in the body and neutralizing toxins produced by these agents.

   The mechanisms with which the body uses to fight foreign cells in the body can be categorized as primary (innate) or secondary (adaptive). The primary response is the first line of defense against agents that causes diseases. They also remember the microorganism if it infects the body a second time.

The primary immune response is rapid but not specific; this makes it less effective than the secondary immune response. Primary immune response functions by providing a protective barrier against foreign cells. These barriers include:

Cells of the immune system attack foreign organisms (antigen) that succeeds in making their way into the body through open wounds, open body passages, or by breaking through the skin.

Skin: the skin keep the majority of disease-causing microorganisms from getting into the human body.

Enzymes: enzymes produced by sweat and tears act as antibacterial agents

Mucus: mucus from the body helps to trap microorganisms that might disturb the body’s immune system.

Stomach acid: acid from the stomach destroys microorganisms

   The secondary immune system can recognize specific disease-causing agents. Many organs in the body, such as the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, regulate their production.

Here are the five steps that will help you improve it and lead a healthy life! 

Healthy Diet 
A healthy diet rich in plant-based foods, healthy fats, proteins, omega 3, vitamins, and minerals can play a crucial role in building a healthy body. When we talk about a healthy diet, it means having fruits and vegetables regularly. In addition to that, you can also start your day with a yogurt smoothie or a green juice with a mix of fruits and vegetables. Adding some nuts and seeds in your diet gives you the right fuel to keep you energized throughout the day. Having a balanced and healthy diet is a great way to boost your immunity. 

Good Sleep 
Good sleep has been underestimated for a long time. But now, more and more people are talking about the relationship between good sleep and a healthy diet. If you sleep well, your body is well-rested, and it becomes more resistant to external bacteria, germs, and viruses. It relaxes the muscles and the whole body making it stronger. 

Regular Exercise 
Regular exercise helps you increase your heart rate, so it pumps more fresh blood to different body parts. Additionally, it keeps your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases in check. Exercising regularly also helps in having a good sleep and improves digestion. Therefore, you must try to exercise at least three or four days a week. If not more, a morning and an evening walk is also a great way to keep up your exercise routine. 

Reduction in Stress 
Introducing relaxation techniques in your life can help in reducing stress and build your immunity. So, you can try to add meditation or yoga in your life. Additionally, spending time in nature also reduces the overall stress and refreshes your body and mind. 

Maintain A Healthy BMI 
Maintaining a healthy BMI or Body Mass Index is also crucial in building your immunity. Every person has a different BMI depending on their age, height, and other characteristics. You must keep a check on it and maintain it by having a healthy diet and regular exercise. 

Final Words 
To sum up, a balanced lifestyle is a key to improving your immunity and leading a healthy life. With a strong immune system, you can be physically and psychologically healthy. As a result, you can lead a happy and content life. 
