How long does it take to treat diabetes?

While there is extensive research going on regarding how to treat diabetes, there are some pieces of evidence that suggest that it can be reversed. Although not everyone’s blood sugar drops as rapidly, there is plenty of evidence that a balanced diet in combination with daily exercise may dramatically lower blood sugar levels in only two to three weeks. As a result, it is wonderful news for those who are skeptical about the possibility of reversing the consequences of diabetes or this particular illness.

A healthy lifestyle can also prevent pre-diabetes from progressing to full-blown diabetes, according to scientific evidence. Fasting glucose levels between 100 and 125 indicate pre-diabetes. A fasting glucose level of 126 or above indicates diabetes.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle plays an important role in the prevention of diabetes. It is important for the people suffering from this condition to change their lifestyles. Procrastination will not work in this situation. Also, patients must employ a healthy lifestyle in their routines in order to see the reversal effects of this condition.

Do you know what the best thing about diabetes is? It can be treated without taking any sort of medicine. Different medicines can have different side effects on your body. But if you are treating or reversing this condition naturally, then it will be great for your mental and physical wellbeing.


There are two things to consider you are about to treat diabetes. The first thing is to exercise regularly. We are not recommending you to go to the gym and build your muscles. Brisk walking or jogging will also do the job. You have to shed extra fat from your body. Once your BMI is in the normal range, you will see the effects of diabetes subsiding.


Secondly, employing a healthy lifestyle is extremely crucial to your success in defeating diabetes. You have to cut down on foods that have more sugar. Avoid eating foods that are unhygienic to your health and may shoot the blood sugar levels of your body. Also, increase your fiber intake to fulfill all the needs of your body without increasing your blood sugar levels.

Type 2 diabetes

If you’ve had type 2 diabetes for a time, you’re probably taking insulin as part of your treatment plan. You’ve undoubtedly realized that your type 2 diabetes isn’t exactly like everyone else’s. Because every person’s physiology is distinct, the reaction to insulin therapy might range from one person to the next.

Insulin is available in a suspension form. It is available in a variety of strengths. While insulin’s intensity fluctuates, its effect is determined by three factors: onset, peak time, and duration. The length of time it takes for insulin to begin reducing blood sugar levels is referred to as the onset. The period when insulin is at its most effective in reducing blood sugar levels is referred to as peak time. Duration is the amount of time the insulin works in the body. Normally, when you take insulin before a meal, the effects are immediate.
