When you hear the word diabetes, the first thing that comes to mind is most likely high levels of blood sugar. People often overlook this aspect of their overall health. When it is out of whack for an extended length of time, it can lead to diabetes. Diabetes impairs your body’s capacity to make or use insulin, a hormone that converts glucose into energy. Also, diabetes also affects the body in different ways.

When diabetes is detected early, it can be effectively controlled. However, if left untreated, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage, among other things. If you have diabetes, your pancreas produces either too little or no insulin. The use of insulin is not efficient as in the case of normal beings. As a result, blood glucose levels rise while the rest of your cells go without much-needed energy. This can result in a wide range of issues that impact almost every major bodily system. Below, we will tell you how diabetes affects your body.
Kidney damage
Diabetic kidney disease can harm your kidneys and impair their capacity to filter waste from your blood. If your doctor finds microalbuminuria or increased protein levels in your urine, it might mean your kidneys aren’t working correctly. Diabetes also causes diabetic nephropathy which is a kidney condition. This disease usually shows symptoms in the later stages of life.
Cardiac related diseases
Diabetes increases your chances of having high blood pressure, which puts your heart under even more strain. High blood glucose levels can lead to the development of fatty deposits in the walls of blood vessels. It can limit blood flow over time and raise the risk of atherosclerosis or blood vessel hardening.
Eye damage
Diabetic retinopathy is a very common consequence of diabetes. Blood vessels at the back of the eye (the retina) enlarge and leak, causing retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is further exacerbated by high blood pressure.
Skin damage
Diabetes can harm your skin, which is the biggest organ in your body. Your body’s lack of moisture caused by high blood sugar can cause the skin of your feet to dry and crack, in addition to dehydration. After bathing or swimming, make sure your feet are totally dry. You can apply petroleum jelly or mild lotions to these regions, but don’t let them become too wet.
Furthermore, fungal, bacterial, and yeast infections can be spread through moist, heated skin creases. These usually appear between your fingers and toes, in your crotch, armpits, or the corners of your lips. Redness, blistering, and itching are some of the symptoms. Calluses can develop as a result of high-pressure areas under your foot. In the worst-case scenario, they might get infected or form ulcers.
Hormone changes during pregnancy can lead to gestational diabetes, which raises your risk of high blood pressure. Your baby may be born with a greater birth weight if you develop gestational diabetes. This might make delivery more difficult. You’re also at a higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes in the years after your kid is born.