Learn how to use stress management models for your benefit.

Stress management encompasses a wide range of strategies, methods, and processes for dealing with anxiety. Since several research investigations revealed links between stress and the formation, development, and advancement of terrible diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and mental problems, it has become a hot subject. In this article, we will tell you about models of stress management.

It’s crucial to figure out where the tension comes from before you can completely comprehend how to deal with it. As a result, different research has focused on the origins of stress in order to better manage the stress experience.

Models of stress management

Transaction model

Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman created the Transactional Model (Cognitive Appraisal) in 1984, a model that highlights how stress is caused by a mismatch between what the circumstance wants and what the individual has in respect to those needs.

According to them, stress does not arise directly from the source of stress, also known as stressors; rather, it arises as a result of an individual’s failure to meet obligations. According to these two academics, stress management refers to a person’s ability to use his or her resources to cope with stress.

According to the Transactional Model, a stress management program can only be effective if the individual’s ability to remove, decrease, or cope with stress is successfully assessed, and the elements that influence that capacity are taken into account.

Health realization model

The Health Realization Model, also known as the Innate Health Model of Stress, asserts that the presence of a possible stressor does not always equal stress. This concept contradicts the Transactional Model. Because it argues that the stress management program should be based on the individual’s perception of the prospective stressor. Not on his assessment of stress coping capacities.

According to this approach, the assessment focuses on clearing one’s thoughts of negativity. Also, the uncertainty so that a possible stressor is not regarded as a cause of stress, resulting in more efficient stress removal or reduction.

Relieving stress

As more individuals become aware of the need to manage stress more effectively, it is becoming increasingly difficult to identify all of the stress management strategies used by each of us. Managing stress is all about taking control of your ideas, emotions, schedule, surroundings, and problem-solving style. The ultimate objective is to live a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, leisure, and pleasure. Also, the resilience to keep going when things become tough also counts.

Identifying the sources of stress in your life is the first step in stress management. This isn’t as simple as it appears. It’s all too easy to miss your own stress-inducing ideas, feelings, and actions. Because your actual sources of stress aren’t usually visible. You may be aware that you are always concerned about meeting work deadlines.

It is important to know about the models of stress management. It is because you get a better idea of what stress is and how to manage it efficiently.
