In 2010, it was estimated that approximately 40 million children worldwide are overweight, and 2,800,000 annual deaths can be attributed to obesity.
65% of the world’s population lives in countries where excess weight causes higher mortality than underweight due to the lack of nutrition.
How obesity can cause diabetes and heart disease ?
It is considered overweight when men have more than 20% body fat and women more than 30%.
As the body stores more fat it starts inhibiting more action on if insulin. Insulin stores carbohydrate and proteins inside the cells. Body starts producing more insulin to produce the same effect on blood sugar. This is called insulin resistance.
Then a time comes when body cannot produce enough insulin to reduce the blood glucose to the normal level. Blood sugar levels rise – diabetes happens.
Obesity causes insulin resistance, cholesterol issues, diabetes and thus atherosclerosis. This causes block inside the heart arteries and thus angina & heart attack. So obesity can cause heart disease.
Obesity has been linked to diabetes, high blood pressure, and dyslipidemias, which increases the risk of having a heart problem. Sometimes, obesity can have a genetic cause, and there are specially designed tests to find that out.
Body fat percentage is a better parameter to assess the risk. Body fat is usually 12-20% in men and 20-30% in women, so figures higher than these would indicate that a person is overweight. An easy way to determine if a person suffers from obesity or not is through the calculation of the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is used worldwide for this purpose, and it consists of dividing the weight expressed in kilos by the square of the height in meters.

Causes and Consequences of Obesity
Obesity is established from different causes, and although it is true that there may be metabolic and genetic factors resulting in a person being overweight, the main cause of obesity is the imbalance that occurs between the intake of calories and the consumption of them, both through the body’s metabolic reactions and through physical activity.
Obesity has been linked through various studies with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, dyslipidemias, joint and bone disorders, some types of cancer, and respiratory problems.
The fact that obesity produces an increase in the presence of vascular risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or dyslipidemias means that obesity can be related to an increased risk of suffering from a heart problem, such as a heart attack or some type of arrhythmia.
The presence of obesity problems associated with alterations in the blood pressure and the metabolism of fats and sugars is called metabolic syndrome.
Relationship Between Diabetes and Obesity
Moderate degrees of obesity can raise the risk of diabetes up to 10 times, and the risk grows greater with the intensity of obesity. It is also related to the type of obesity, in terms of the distribution of body fat being higher in thoracoabdominal obesity.
Obesity is a very relevant factor in the pathogenesis of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, cholesterol issues and high blood pressure. The increase in fat tissue, especially with a thoracic-abdominal-visceral distribution, generates or accentuates insulin resistance with consequent hyperinsulinemia, increasing the cardiovascular risk of patients.
Tips to Lose Body weight that is Natural and Healthy
The online world contains misleading information in regard to losing weight. However, not every platform has bad information. In this article we are going to explain 12 ways in which one can lose body weight in a natural and healthy way. Keep reading through…
1 Protein Addition to Diets
An Individual’s body plays a key role in burning calories especially when digestion and metabolism processes take place.
According to research, Protein supports metabolism by a maximum of 80 to 100 calories in 24 hours.
2 Consume a Whole Food
As part of the whole weight loss procedure, choose to consume whole or singled ingredient meals. Elimination of excess sugars takes place as well as extra fats.
3 Avoid Junk foods or Processed Meals
A lot of sugar and fatty components are normally present in the processed meals. They will only increase your cravings.
4 opt for Healthier Meals
Being in possession of healthy foods or meals in your home menu minimizes high chances of consuming unhealthy meal contents.
5 Reduce Sugar Consumption Levels
Several medical complications like cancer and diabetes have been linked with consuming more sugars than usual. Minimize processed meals that have hidden sugars that are too high.
6 Take Water Regularly
In truth, taking water helps in reducing weight. Some statistics show that;
Taking 1⁄2 a liter can raise calories by 24 to 30 percent for at least 60 minutes.
Water is an alternative besides other takes which have lots of sugar.
7 Take Non-sweet Coffee
Coffee consumption supports weight reduction due to increased energy and the magnitude of burnt calories.
Research shows that coffee with caffeine can reinforce metabolism by 3 to 11 percent, therefore, reducing diabetes development.
8 Supplement Intakes plus Pills
Weight reduction pills play a great role in the weight loss journey.
Glucomannan is a proven pill that has minimal calories.
Furthermore, it plays a role in delaying emptying of a stomach and minimizing proteins and fats absorption.
9 Avoid Drinks with Calories
Sugary drinks such as sodas, juices, and other energized soft takes are triggers of huge weights.
Certain research revealed that a 60 percent increment in obesity was observed among the small children due to high-sweetened drinks.
10 Avoid Consumption of non-whole Carbs
This increases the risks of health disorders and overeating habits due to easy digestion. Foods like white slices of bread and rice as well as portions of pasta are in this category of refined carbohydrates without vital fibers.
11 Take Fruits and Veggies
We have different fruits and veggies all around. Taking these products gives an assurance of weight reduction in a natural and healthy way.
12 Incorporate Eggs in your Meals
Egg consumption reduces weight. They are rich in essential proteins and less in Calories.
A study shows that having eggs in your regular breakfasts can lead to a maximum of 65 percent weight reduction in a span of 56 to 60 days.
As is evident, obesity is linked to a number of diseases, including diabetes and heart attack. The degree of risk depends, among other things, on the relative amount of excess weight, the location of the body fat, how much weight has been gained during adulthood, and the amount of physical activity. Most of these problems can be improved by losing a body fat percentage (between 10 and 15%), especially if physical activity is also increased. It is a preventable cause of heart diabetes & heart diseases and many other metabolic diseases. With little effort body fat percentage can be reduced and great many lives can be saved from diseases, disabilities and death.