Working through various therapies may be a lengthy, difficult, and stressful process for some couples, especially when it is paired with needing to take time off from unsupportive employment. During consultations, treatments, and appointments, try to be as supportive as possible. In this article, we will tell you whether PCOS can be cured or not.
Fertility therapies are to assist women in conceiving a child. Women with PCOS might benefit from losing as little as a tiny amount of their extra weight to help them ovulate more often and alleviate other symptoms. Nutrition and exercise are the best ways to achieve this.

You may believe that losing weight and keeping it off is difficult, but it is critical to persevere. Your efforts aid in lowering the chance of significant health issues, which can strike women with PCOS far sooner than those without the condition. Diabetes, heart disease, and stroke are the most serious health issues. It is because PCOS relates to high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, and high cholesterol.
A cyst is a fluid-filled sac. Cysts can form in any part of the body. Women with PCOS may develop “cysts” as a result of their eggs not releasing over time. The follicles continue to expand and develop into numerous “cysts.” In an ultrasound picture, these seem to be tiny beads. Scientists are doing extensive research on whether PCOS can be cured or not.
Changes to your way of life
The symptoms of PCOS, as well as the overall risk of developing long-term health concerns, is extremely high. It is especially prominent in adults when it comes to women. Even a 5% weight decrease can result in a substantial improvement in PCOS. Calculate your body mass index (BMI), which is a measurement of your weight in proportion to your height. It is to see if you’re at a healthy weight.
A healthy BMI ranges from 18.5 to 24.9. To determine whether your BMI is in the healthy range, use the BMI healthy weight calculator. Regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet can help you lose weight. Fruits and vegetables, whole foods like whole grain bread, wholegrain cereals, and brown rice, as well as lean meats, fish, and poultry, should all be included in your diet.
Periods can be induced with an intermittent course of progestogen pills, which are generally given every 3 to 4 months but can be given monthly, or with the use of the contraceptive pill. This will also lower the long-term risk of womb lining cancer, which is linked to not having regular periods.
Most women with PCOS can conceive after receiving therapy. A brief course of pills given at the start of each cycle for many cycles can successfully cure the majority of women. If these don’t work, doctors will recommend injections or IVF therapy. With these therapies, there’s a higher chance of having multiple children.
If you’re unable to conceive despite using oral medications, doctors will advise gonadotrophins, a kind of hormone. They have a higher chance of overstimulating your ovaries and resulting in numerous pregnancies.