Meditation may be a very effective way to de-stress. Experimenting with meditation might assist if you’re feeling stressed. Zen Buddhism has its own kind of meditation known as zazen. It entails concentrating on the breath and staying present in the moment. Find a comfortable spot and position to begin practicing Zen meditation.

Try focusing on your breath for a few minutes. Develop a regimen that works for you over time. Meditation might be challenging at first since clearing the mind takes effort, but you’ll ultimately discover a meditation program that works for you.
Proper place
It’s essential to meditate in a peaceful, distraction-free environment. Locate a somewhat peaceful area in your house and take measures to create a calming environment. This is primarily a matter of personal taste. Some people enjoy creating altars out of seashells, stones, or flowers. Others take pleasure in lighting candles.
Don’t worry if your area isn’t ideal right away; it will improve with time. As you practice meditation on a regular basis, you will learn what works and what doesn’t.
“Situated meditation” is the literal translation of zazen. It’s crucial to sit in a certain way. The most important thing is to be comfortable and maintain a straight back. If you need to do something like cross your legs or prop your back up with cushions, do so.
Try the Half Lotus Position or the Full Lotus Position if you have a lot of flexibility. Place your left foot on your right thigh and tuck your right leg beneath your left thigh to do the Half Lotus. Each foot is placed on the opposite thigh in the Full Lotus. However, if either posture is uncomfortable, avoid utilizing it because it might be distracting.
For Zen meditation, the posture of your head is critical, since it is critical that you do not put any pressure on your body. Hold your head in a natural position that does not put tension on your neck. Your spine and neck should ideally be aligned. Consider tracing a straight line up your spine. Move your neck such that this imagined line runs the length of it.
Before you start meditating, take a moment to notice any tightness in your jaw and face muscles. You may not be aware of the tightness in your jaw unless you pay close attention to it. Before you begin meditating, try to relax your jaw and facial muscles in general. If your jaw muscles are tight, softly massage your face with your fingertips to relax them up.
The breath is emphasized heavily in Zen meditation. Breathing via your nose is crucial. As you breathe in and out through your nose, you will experience a cooling and warming feeling. This might make it easier to meditate by following the rhythm of your breathing. It is understandable that you won’t be perfect in the poses and breathing initially. The point here is to practice as often as you can. Ultimately you will become comfortable in doing Zen meditation with enjoyment.