The BIG Problem
‘Healthy eating’ in recent times can be considered a myth. Every day people are struggling with their schedule to manage their personal and professional life. In the pursuit of doing so, ‘healthy eating’ and leading an ‘active lifestyle’ seem to be the two most impossible and unattainable tasks. Consequently, unhealthy eating and leading a sedentary lifestyle has resulted in an increased prevalence of chronic illness disorders such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
What is obesity? WHO Asia Pacific guidelines were used to define overweight [body mass index (BMI) ≥23 kg/m [2] but <25 kg/m [2]], generalized obesity (GO, BMI≥25kg/m [2] , abdominal obesity (AO, waist circumference ≥90 cm for men and ≥80cm for women) and combined obesity.
How to calculate BMI? Body Mass Index is a simple calculation using a person’s height and weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person’s weight in kilograms and m2 is their height in meters squared.
International Diabetes Federation states that the incidence of diabetes within India’s urban region is between 10.9% to 14.2% and that in rural India is between 3.0% to 7.8%. ICMR-INDIAB suggests that the prevalence of obesity in the Indian population is between 11.8% to 31.3% in men and 16.9% to 36.3% in women. Abdominal obesity is one of the primary risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular diseases and associated comorbidities. The prevalence of cardiovascular disorders in India has been estimated, equivalent to 54.5 million. One in every four deaths that take place in India is due to cardiovascular complications. Strokes and heart attacks are causing more than 80% of the deaths due to cardiovascular disorders. Research shows that premature mortality due to cardiovascular diseases has increased by 59% from 23.2 million (1990) to 37 million, as documented in 2010. It is worth noting that integrating the two factors ‘healthy eating’ and ‘leading an active lifestyle’ can lead to a healthy and disease-free life.
Refined Sugar Addiction & Obesity Cycle
It says refined sugar addiction and obesity cycle as we discussed earlier refined sugar creates a sharp rise of blood sugar and sharp fluctuation of dopamine in our brain. What happens if we become addicted to this sharp fluctuation and we start liking refined sugar and thus a cycle of addiction. Brings obesity for us. So let’s see the cycle. We take refined sugar or a high glycemic index curve, which doesn’t contain almost any fiber then there is a sudden rise in blood sugar and a sudden rise in dopamine in our brain. It gives a sense of motivation then insulin comes into action in Lynn shops the sugar into the cell rapidly these nutrients that enter into the cell is nothing but a carbohydrate devoid of any essential nutrients the sugar also fall rapidly and the dopamine in the brain also fall down what happened next we feel foggy and then we start craving more refined sugar or Other ways of dopamine we feel foggy and then start craving more refined sugar
or sometimes start craving the wrong ways of dopamine, which is not good for our health. This craving leads to the intake of more calories. And these calories are empty calories. It doesn’t carry any essential nutrients. The more calorie yourself have with this excess calorie yourself creates more fat and this fat is deposited throughout the body and thus we become obese. Then the cycle continued we go for refined sugar and high GI car which again fluctuates a lot and the cycle continues our body keeps on During fat that’s how our sugar addiction leads to an obesity cycle.