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heart disease risk factors

Know the risk factors for Heart disease & prevent it.

Heart and related diseases can manifest themselves in a number of ways, such as – high blood pressure, valve disease, coronary artery disease, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), and even strokes. According

Why stress management is important?

Stress is our coping response to the ever-changing world. In today’s world the change is happening faster. But our evolution did not change much in last 100 years. So in

Good Vs Bad Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that the body uses as a building block to produce digestive juices, vitamin D, and hormones that help break fats. Cholesterol moves through the blood

Twelve tips to overcome Depression

More than 120 million people in the world are suffering from depression. You should not feel alone if you are depressed. The troubles may seem to be too big but there is always a way

Why smoking is injurious to health?

We are supposed to breath in air from our mouth and nose and into our lungs. It is supposed to get the fresh air to the lungs and the lungs


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Dr. Biprajit Parbat