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What is hedonic adaptation?

The hedonic adaptation or the hedonic treadmill as it often called is the concept that humans always return to a particular state of happiness no matter the ups or downs

The Good ways of Dopamine

Dopamine is an important chemical in our brain it comes out as we feel motivated. It’s the chemical of motivation. There are ways to bring dopamine into our brain. There

Regular Exercise Leads To A Calm Body & Mind

In today’s competitive and rapidly changing society, it is necessary to regulate the tension in our bodies and minds to maintain good health. It is important to learn to recognize

Do Cigarette & Cannabis Improve Health?

Why do we seek cigarette & cannabis?This is our way of seeking motivation. It releases dopamine in our brain. The same effect that once produced by two cigarettes a day,

Addictions the bad way of dopamine

Dopamine is an important chemical in our brain. It comes out as we feel motivated. It’s the chemical of motivation. There are ways to bring dopamine into our brain. There

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Dr. Biprajit Parbat