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Type 2 diabetes symptoms

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the body’s ability to control and utilize sugar as fuel is impaired. Too much sugar circulates in the circulation as a result

Causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

The disorder polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) alters a woman’s hormone levels. PCOS causes women to generate more male hormones than they should. This hormonal imbalance leads them to miss menstrual

How PCOS and Insulin resistance can be treated

When you have PCOS, making healthy choices isn’t simply basic sense. The hormone imbalances at the heart of polycystic ovarian syndrome, as well as the symptoms caused by those hormone

How long does it take to treat diabetes?

While there is extensive research going on regarding how to treat diabetes, there are some pieces of evidence that suggest that it can be reversed. Although not everyone’s blood sugar

Pregnancy and diabetes

Diabetes can cause complications for mothers and their unborn children during pregnancy. Poor diabetes control during pregnancy raises the risk of birth abnormalities and other pregnancy complications. It might also

Diabetes and periods

When it comes to diabetes, periods, or any other biological function, each person’s body is unique. It’s likely that when your period begins, your blood sugars may spike, and your

Preventing diabetes before it starts

If you have prediabetes, which is high blood sugar but not high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes, lifestyle modifications can help you avoid or postpone the beginning of the

Is diabetes genetic?

Although no form of diabetes mellitus is genetic in and of itself, your DNA may have a role in your chance of acquiring it. Diabetes does, in fact, tend to

Best foods and drinks for diabetes

As far as diabetes goes, you have to be really conscious about your diet. For diabetes patients, there are certain best foods and drinks which they can eat to remain


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Dr. Biprajit Parbat